Rob Potter

YouTuber & golfer // @robpottergolf

Heads up: Rob received a tuition waiver for taking the time to give thorough feedback.




Why’d you want to take The Big Video Course?

I wanted to see from scratch how I could improve my overall planning, shooting and editing so that I can make better, more professional videos for my YouTube channel without losing my own identity, but just refining some of the rough edges.

What was your skill level before enrolling?

Very limited. I’m a one-man show as a rule and I’m only using a digital camcorder. My editing has been very basic and not where I need to be to improve my business.

How were you learning video in the past?

Just through YouTube tutorials and a course on Udemy. YouTube is how I found Mary and I instantly was able to resonate with her teaching style.

What's the course like?

AWESOME! It’s the one-stop shop of tutorial goodness. The ultimate Room 101 on how to create video and edit it. Even the advanced features in the course are delivered in such a way, you wouldn’t know they’re advanced.

What was most challenging?

Hard to answer, because the course is simple to follow but the projects are challenging depending on your ability, but learning something new or improving skills need to be, or why bother investing time and money into it?

What results did you get from this course?

I feel I can now effectively plan a shoot to a professional standard, to the level that would help grow my YouTube and where I could film projects, reviews and interviews for prospective clients in the golf industry. It’s increased my confidence exponentially.